Bill Staines in Concert
There are a few performers who might qualify for the short list of Ithaca's favorite visiting folksinger, but Bill Staines has made that list for the most years. For over 30 years, he has traveled back and forth across North America, driving over 65,000 miles a year and singing his songs, which audiences know by heart as "classics." Among his usual stops, every year or two, is Ithaca. He tells us that the Ithaca audience is one of his favorites: guaranteed to sing along with gusto and some finesse! Bill is doing what he loves, and we love what he is doing -- bringing music to people, engaging us with his songs, stories, gentle presence, and good humor. Bill has recorded more than 20 albums, and his songs have been recorded by dozens of others. Perhaps one of the greatest tributes to his song-writing has been how quickly many of his songs have entered the folk consciousness. "All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir," for example, has been collected in different song books as being either Scottish or American "Traditional." It is always a pleasure to welcome back Bill Staines, who is a fitting start to the Cornell Folk Song Club's Spring 2003 season. Coming later in the season are Utah Phillips, Archie Fisher and Garnett Rogers, and Cheryl Wheeler. Tickets are available at Ithaca Guitar Works, Borealis Bookstore, Small World Music, Bound for Glory, and at the door. You may also order tickets online. For information about the concert, contact
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