Folk Fare: Swedish Applecake

When the winter set in, folks from the northern climes relied on the foods carefully stored from the summar and fall.

Try this easy, economical cake.

4 Tbsp.butter
11/3 cupapple sauce
2 cupdry breadcrumbs, cake crumbs, or zwieback crumbs
1 tsp.cinnamon (opt.)

  • Melt butter in a skillet over medium heat.
  • Add bread crumbs and stir until nicely browned.
  • Butter an 8" baking dish or pie pan;
    Spread bread crumbs and apple sauce in alternating layers, ending with crumbs.
  • Bake at 375 degrees for 25 to 35 minutes.
  • Cool and serve with vanilla pudding, ice cream, or whipped cream.

[Adapted from "Favorite Swedish Recipes" by S. Widenfelt]

(Ginny Huszagh)

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